5 Tips for Getting the Best Work from Your Contractor

5 Tips for Getting the Best Work from Your Contractor

5 Tips for Getting the Best Work from Your Contractor

Keeping your renovation project on time and within budget requires diligence and effort. If you want the best results possible, you will need to help manage the process. Our remodeling contractor in Orlando offers these suggestions for getting the best work from your contractor.

Avoid accepting allowances

An allowance is a line item in your contractor’s bid that is yet to be determined. For example, if you have not chosen the appliances for your new kitchen, your contractor will fill in an allowance number in the budget. But with such a wide range of costs for these products, the estimate could be far less than they cost you. Therefore, do your best to avoid allowances by confirming your product and material selections before the contractor finalizes his bid. Otherwise, make sure you do plenty of research to provide the contractor with an accurate estimate of the cost of the products you are considering.

Practice good communication

Ask your chosen contractor how he prefers to communicate with you. Some like to meet you onsite before work begins every day. Others will provide you with their cell number to text or call anytime you want. And others may prefer that you only speak with the foreman each day at a scheduled time. It is best to meet with someone in charge at least once daily. This allows you to get reports on progress and find out what work will be completed in the coming days. It also allows you to voice any concerns or ask any questions you may have.

Keep a journal

A project journal is a great way to take note of upcoming deliveries, record order or product numbers, jot down ideas, remind yourself of things you want to ask the contractor, and record project progress. This can help keep clear communication and record who said something when resolving disputes later.

Request and track changes in writing

You may decide to include additional work as the project moves forward, or your team may experience unforeseen structural problems. The best contractors can handle such changes. Just make sure they are bid for you in writing first. Always specify in your original contract that you expect written change orders for anything that changes the cost of the project. Written change orders guarantee that your contractor must describe any changes and provide a fixed price for them. You both have to sign off on change orders before the work is completed.

Check the work

Check out your contractor's work proactively. It is best to wait until the work crew has left for the day. Take notes in your journal and mention anything you are concerned about during your daily check-in with the foreman or contractor. You should compare fixture and appliance model numbers against your bid, invoices, and receipts to ensure the right products are delivered. Check blueprints to confirm the locations of door and window openings. Finally, take note of any issues with quality, like misaligned trim. As a client, you have every right to expect high-quality work.

These are a few ways to get the best work from your contractor. Contact us today if you need a home remodeling contractor in Orlando. We are here to handle all of your renovation needs.

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