5 Outdoor Design Tips for Outdoor Kitchens in 2019

5 Outdoor Design Tips for Outdoor Kitchens in 2019

5 Outdoor Design Tips for Outdoor Kitchens in 2019

If you love entertaining, then a new outdoor kitchen may be the perfect addition to your home. Before you start installing various elements, step back for a moment and consider some design tips allowing you to make the most of your outdoor kitchen space.

Extend Your Outdoor Living Space

Your outdoor kitchen should coordinate with the architectural style of your home so that it looks like it was naturally placed there. One of the easiest ways to do this is to consider the building materials that you choose. For example, if you have a Spanish Colonial-style home, then you may want to consider incorporating tile and stucco throughout the kitchen area. On the other hand, if you have a cottage-style home, then you may want to incorporate wicker and natural woods.

Consider Your Landscaping

It is equally important to consider your landscaping when planning your outdoor kitchen. You may want to plan your kitchen under large shade trees to help keep the area cooler during the hot summer months. You may also want to consider which way the wind normally blows in your backyard to keep your grill’s smoke from blowing into your dining area. You may also want to choose colors that coordinate well with perennials in your yard.

Choose Your Appliances

The appliances and equipment that you need in your outdoor kitchen depend on the type of entertaining that you love to do. Some people include an ice maker and a beer tap allowing them to easily serve alcohol. Consider if you want a gas or propane grill. You may also want a refrigerator allowing you to easily keep cold stuff chilled before cooking and allowing you to easily put up leftovers.

Pick Your Seating

You will also want to consider the type of seating that you will enjoy using in your outdoor kitchen area. It is usually best to choose chairs with good cushions so that you stay comfortable when dining. You may also want some high stools allowing you to see the pool area or the area where children play easily.  Pick a table with room for everyone to gather.

Select the Right Lighting

You need a variety of lighting options in your outdoor kitchen. You will need task lighting near the grill to allow the grillmaster to see to dice onion, make sauces and do other activities. You also need some mood setting lights. Decide if solar lights are the right choice or if you want electricity run to your outdoor kitchen.

Regardless of the choices that you make when designing your outdoor kitchen, one choice is incredibly easy. Call CFL Renovations to complete the job. You can reach them at (386) 218-5455. While you’re at it, you can also have them complete other remodeling projects as they want to be your home remodeling contractor in Orlando. Once you start using this home remodeling contractor in Orlando, you will never want to call anyone else.

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