The Best Way for Hardwood Floor Refinishing

The Best Way for Hardwood Floor Refinishing

The Best Way for Hardwood Floor Refinishing


Your hardwood floors can make or break the overall aesthetic of your home. Over time, these floors can become dull and scratched, losing their once-beautiful shine. That's where hardwood floor refinishing comes in. Refinishing can bring your floors back to life, making them look brand new again. But what is the best way for hardwood floor refinishing? Keep reading to find out.


1. Sanding

Sanding is an essential step in hardwood floor refinishing. It removes the old finish, scratches, and stains from your floors, making them smooth and even. There are two types of sanding: drum sanding and edge sanding. Drum sanding uses a large machine to sand the middle of the floor, while edge sanding involves a smaller machine that can reach the edges of the room. Sanding can be time-consuming, but it's a necessary step to achieve beautiful, polished floors.

2. Staining

After sanding, your floors may look dull and lack luster. Staining is the next step to enhance their beauty. Stain comes in a variety of colors, so you can choose the perfect shade to complement your home's decor. Stain can be applied by brush, roller, or spray. It's important to ensure that the stain is applied evenly to avoid blotchy or uneven flooring.

3. Finishing

The final step in hardwood floor refinishing is finishing. This step adds protection to your floors and gives them a lustrous shine. Finishing consists of applying a sealer and/or a topcoat. The sealer can help to provide an additional protective layer to your floors, while a topcoat provides an extra shine and depth to the staining. Once the finishing is applied, it needs to dry completely before moving any furniture back onto the floors.

4. Hiring a Professional

While there are DIY kits available for hardwood floor refinishing, it's in your best interest to hire a professional contractor. Professionals have the experience, equipment, and expertise needed to ensure that the refinishing process is done correctly. They can also offer insight and suggestions on the best type of stain and finishing for your specific flooring. Hiring a professional guarantees that your floors will look beautiful and last you for years to come.

5. Maintenance

Once your hardwood floors have been refinished, it's important to maintain them to keep them looking their best. Regular cleaning with a soft-bristled broom or vacuum can help prevent scratches. Wiping up spills promptly can also help prevent damage. You should also avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaning tools that can damage your newly refinished floors. 



In conclusion, hardwood floor refinishing can breathe new life into your home's flooring. The best way for hardwood floor refinishing is to sand, stain, and finish them. This process can be time-consuming and challenging, so it's best to hire a professional contractor. Your floors are an investment in your home, and proper maintenance is key to keeping them looking great for years to come. If you're looking for a home remodeling contractor in Orlando, FL, contact CFL Renovations today for free estimates.

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